Don't Miss "Out of the Routine" Moments With Your Child

Yesterday, he unexpectedly broke from his routine. When it was time for his video, instead he came to the couch where I was taking a break from a very hectic and tiring day. He asked for a hug. Now he does this quite often, this asking for a hug unexpectedly, but on this afternoon he crawled up on my lap, laid his head on my chest, and gave me a sweet, tight hug. When I asked if he was going to watch his video he replied, "Momma, I just want to spend time with you." And so we just relaxed together, doing nothing else, for quite a few minutes.
How precious that time was -- how out of the routine. How much I would have missed if I would have just sent him on his way so I could have quiet time for myself. I would have even missed the peacefulness of the moment if we had used the time to talk or watch TV instead of "just spend time" with each other.
It won't be long and those moments will be fewer and farther between. But for now, I will hang on to that memory for as long as I need to until another one comes. It was a special way to learn that while I try to do all the things that I feel are necessary for myself and my family, allowing something "away from the routine" is a way that God can surprise you with a blessing.
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