Homeschooling: 6th Grade Ancient History
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My Youngest studied Ancient History last year, using a BJU Press textbook in addition to many other free online resources which are categorized below. We found so much good stuff we didn't even need to buy a textbook!
Many of us don't have time to do complete research on the internet to find, much less organize, all the available resources. I decided to share course outline here and update this page when time permits.
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Please note: Certain materials may or may not be appropriate for your homeschool. I recommend reviewing any material first before use. Please message me if there are any links that are not working.
8/1/2015 Update -
More topics have been added. Discovered a Interactive World History Atlas at They also offer iPad apps!
11/10/2014 Update -
Found on is a complete online textbook on Ancient History for Homeschoolers! This is a great find to incorporate into the below study or use on it's own.
8/28/2014 Update -
FREE Infopacket on Ancient Empires - great for an overall introduction and for extra reading comprehension (includes quiz).
I am also creating YouTube playlists with longer documentaries for each unit.
1/18/2014 Update -
This is a great PDF workbook with Ancient History maps from! Found on is a complete online textbook on Ancient History for Homeschoolers! This is a great find to incorporate into the below study or use on it's own.
1. Create a master timeline that can be added to throughout the course - Homeschooling Hearts and Minds
2. Another timeline to copy/paste in Word document for notebook - Gaby's Blog
- Begin reading The Bronze Bow
- (We are using the Kindle version with WhisperSync so we can read and listen)
- Download "The Bronze Bow" Reading Guide - use as we read
- Add these dates to your master timeline that refer to this period.
- Mesopotamia unit - Read through Powerpoints, watch videos, do listed activities. Complete Study Guide at the end of the webpage.
- Mesopotamia unit with Mr. Dowling - Read through each chapter listed on the left margin. At the end of each chapter webpage, download and finish the activity for the lesson.
Watch Videos:
- Crash Course World History #3 - Mesopotamia
- From Nomads to Farmers
- A Brief History of Mesopotamia Part 1 and Part 2
- Ancient Mesopotamia
Writing Exercises:
Additional Resources:
- Practice writing short paragraphs on Ancient Sumer
- Read Genesis 11: 1-9. Describe in your own words what the Tower of Babel was, why it was built and what happened to the people who built it.
Additional Resources:
Options for Higher Level Reading:
- Higher Reading Level - Basic Overview with map
- Higher Reading Level - Life in Mesopotamia with photos and accompanying activities
- ARTICLE: Moses and the Chronology of Ancient Mesopotamia
- ARTICLE: Where in the World is the Tower of Babel?
- Add these dates to your master timeline that refer to this period.
- Egypt Unit - Read through Powerpoints, watch videos, do listed activities. Complete Study Guide at the end of the webpage.
- Egypt with Mr. Dowling - Read through each chapter listed on the left margin. At the end of each chapter webpage, download and finish the activity for the lesson.
- Introduction to Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Egypt - National Geographic
- Crash Course World History #4 - Egypt
- playlist
- On Amazon Prime: The Pyramids & Ancient Egypt
- On Amazon Prime: Phoenicians: The Alphabet & Carthage's Hannibal
- Tastes from the Time: visit to the grocery store and choose a selection of these foods of Ancient Egypt that the wealthy were able to enjoy: watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumbers, apricots, grapes, lettuce, olives, onions, garlic,dates, figs, or pomegranates. Try a couple you have never tasted before. What was your favorite? Read HERE about Egyptian Table Manners.
- Another option: at the store, pick up the ingredients to make this Egyptian dish, Taamia Falafal
- Try a mummified apple experiment, or make a cartouche (from The Unlikely Homeschool)
- Build another building - this time make a pyramid
- Read more HERE about this ancient writing.
- Here is a translation chart that shows sounds of symbols
- Practice your name, and try decoding these words.
- Mr. Donn's website
- History for Kids
- Interactive Unit on Egypt with quizzes
- Worksheets on Ancient Egypt
- Additional worksheets for notebooking (ten free worksheets per month with free membership)
- More great worksheets about Egypt from the Penn Museum
Options for Higher Level Reading:
- Basic Overview with map
- ARTICLES: Archeology in Egypt from Answers in Genesis
Options for Younger Readers: See Amazon bar on the left -- (We loved these series!)
The best way to learn the history of the Hebrews and Ancient Israel is from the Old Testament! As you read and do study through the Old Testament, you are learning important history. When you add to your timeline, you will see how Old Testament history lines up with other events going on in the world at the same time.
Fun Activities:
- Add these dates to your master timeline that refer to this period.
- (For other resources on dates through this period, refer to these websites: Old Testament History Timeline, A History of Israel, Academic
The best way to learn the history of the Hebrews and Ancient Israel is from the Old Testament! As you read and do study through the Old Testament, you are learning important history. When you add to your timeline, you will see how Old Testament history lines up with other events going on in the world at the same time.
- Read this overview of Ancient Israel: KidsPast
- Learn the different periods of Ancient Israel's history (scroll down)
- This page has links at the top for learning all about Ancient Israel (Parents: registration may be required to download, but it is free.)
- Ancient Israel and Jerusalem (free with Amazon Prime)
- Bake and taste some unleavened bread using this simple recipe. Then read to find out why Israelites made unleavened bread during the First Passover.
- Pick one or more of these activities from
Writing Exercise:
- Be a news reporter. Choose of of these writing and geography activities from EasyFunSchool
Additional Resources:
- History for Kids
- Bible History Online
- Reference page on Israel geography
- Eyewitness: Bible Lands
(look for it at the library)
- The Old Testament Said What?!? - from EasyFunSchool
- From Glencoe, this packet has several good worksheets to walk through a lesson on Ancient Israel, even without the textbook.
Unit 4: CHINA
- Add dates to your master timeline that refer to this period.
- China with Mr. Dowling - Read through each chapter listed on the left margin. At the end of each chapter webpage, download and finish the activity for the lesson.
- An optional lesson on Chinese Civilizations at
- Crash Course World History #7 - 2000 years of Chinese History
- Crash Course World History #8 - The Silk Road and Ancient Trade
- Playlist from WatchKnowLearn
- playlist
- Innovation in Ancient China
- The Silk Road
- China Revealed: The Great Wall (on Netflix; Episode 1 of a series)
- On YouTube: 10 Amazing Chinese Inventions
Full documentaries:
- Ancient Chinese Inventions (full documentary on YouTube)
- History Channel - History of China - on YouTube
- History channel - Ancient Discoveries China's Ancient Machines
- China Revealed: The Great Wall (history, episode 1 of a series)
- Machines of Ancient China (on YouTube; very beginning cut off)
- Using clay, design a your own "Terracotta Soldier"
- From the free download at KidsDiscover (see free student Power Vocab below), do the Crossword and Word Find puzzles.
- Visit a local museum that may have pieces of Chinese art. Use this page for ideas of what to look for at the museum.
- Make a Chinese craft project. The bottom of this page has craft ideas to choose from
- Make a Chinese dish like stir fry! Find a recipe, shop for ingredients and make it for your entire family to enjoy.
- Download the Ancient China free student Power Vocab handout from for vocab practice. (You will need to sign up for a free registration on the website, and you do not need to have the Discovery booklet to use this handout.)
- Mr. Donn's website
- History for Kids
- Information on Great Wall or Terracotta Warriors
- Worksheets on Ancient China
- Additional worksheet on China for grades K-5 for notebooking (ten free worksheets per month with free membership)
- Free info packet on Ancient Empires download for Notebooking. Use pages 7-8 for this unit.
- This worksheet on the Dynasties is ideal to use for an open book test.
Options for Higher Level students:
- Watch "Secrets of the Dead: China's Terracotta Warriors" on Netflix
- Read Top 10 Ancient Chinese Inventions
- Basic Overview with map
- There is also a series of videos by New Frontiers Chinese Civilization on Amazon Prime video with focus on different topics (music, bronze, the Great Wall, etc.)
Options for Younger Readers: See Amazon bar on the right -- (We loved these series!)
Nice to read! Thank you for sharing this information. Your posts are more interesting and impressive. Its Really Informative.
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