12 Unique Scavenger Hunt Ideas for the Younger Homeschooler

Monday, May 24 is a fun day to celebrate: National Scavenger Hunt Day!  

The creation of this day is credited to Elsa Maxwell (1883-1963), an American gossip columnist, author, songwriter, and professional hostess. She introduced the scavenger hunt as a party game.

We all know how the game works. Someone devises a list of odd items, either random or themed. Participants hunt for these items, sometimes in a marked geographical area. While it is not allowed to buy the items, part of the fun is to beg, barter or even work to retrieve an item! The participant (or team) who finds the most, or all the items on the list, is the winner.    

Scavenger hunts are ideal for homeschoolers. It provides a break from other activities, can be a learning tool, and especially, get them away from screens. 

Here are 12 exceptional scavenger hunt ideas for younger kids from other homeschool moms. All of them include free printables to get you started quickly! Many of these ideas are for children 3 to 7 years old; however, try adapting some of these ideas for older students, or pair an older child with a younger child to work together! 

Photo by N. on Unsplash

Get Them Outside: 

Heart and Soul Homeschooling

Sara's spring-themed hunt will get your kids outside to enjoy the beginning of warmer weather!

Organized 31

The best hunts are whether you are in the woods or in the suburbs! Susan shares 4 free printables with 30 different items that can be found outside.

Uplifting Mayhem

With a twist on a nature hunt, Marcy came up with a unique idea – an Epic Rock hunt! This activity is great for older kids, with different ways to use the rocks found during the hunt. 

Our Kiwi Homeschool

Live near the beach or planning a trip soon?  Naomi shares a beach-themed hunt on her blog.

Keep Them Busy When You Have to Go Out

Loving Homeschool

There are always times when errands have to get done during the day, but that doesn’t mean fun and learning can't be a part! Cindy has a great idea for a hunt in the pet store when you have to shop for pet supplies.   

That Homeschool Family

Elizabeth shares 5 types of hunts (alphabet, colors, numbers, shapes, and textures) that can make any outing educational. With additional suggestions for incorporating them, this hunt would be one that a team of one young child with one older child would work well.  

When You Want to Stay Home: 

Homeschool Super Freak

For 2021, there may still be some virtual events for homeschoolers or even homeschool co-ops. Jacqueline suggests a virtual way to have fun with a scavenger hunt. 

Flanders Family Homelife

Jennifer has two ideas (with adorable printables!) for inside scavenger hunts: one a search for items and another that incorporates chores! Brilliant!

Teaching Opportunities:

This Reading Mama

Becky had an awesome set of 9 scavenger hunt printable sets for teaching at home, including rhyming, geography, math scavenger hunts, and many more!|

Homeschool Preschool

One of the outings we always do (multiple times!) with preschoolers is the zoo!  On her website, Tara has 5 zoo-themed hunts for reading, pictures, ABCs, counting, and sensory.  

Seasonal Ideas: 

Rock Your Homeschool

Keep this one in your pocket for the fall when you start-up schooling again. Make your first day one to look forward to with this First Day of Homeschool Scavenger Hunt!

As For Me and My Homestead

Any time is a great time for a scavenger hunt – even Christmas! Jamie has a fun printable for a Christmas lights scavenger hunt -- perfect to take along on a Christmas stroll or drive.

Bonus Ideas: 

Even Chick-fil-A has two fun scavenger hunts on their Pinterest page: 
Let's Play: Kids Scavenger Hunt and Let's Explore: Scavenger Hunt

Visit this Spanish Academy website for scavenger hunt ideas if your child is learning Spanish. 

Craftivity Designs has another idea for a nature hunt with a cool printable.   

Try this entire website devoted to scavenger hunt ideas by age and topic, plus tips and tricks to plan the perfect hunt. 

My blogging friend over at The Martha Review has a fabulous idea for a hunt using paint chips! 

Have some other ideas for scavenger hunts? Comment below or tweet them using #ScavengerHuntDay and @musesofamom!


  1. These look like a lot of fun! I knew that Chick-fil-A had a scavenger hunt. There are so many to choose from! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great fun and ideas. This helps me with something new to do with the grandkids!

  3. love these ideas!! I do enjoy scavenger hunts...

  4. These are great! Lia loves scavenger hunts and we love to find things on our hikes. We'll definitely use a few of these. They are great for learning experiences.


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